Attend Summer School

Interested in learning about all the SCPS Summer School options available? Click here to learn more!

Ready to Register?

  • Select SCVS and the desired course
  • Select a start date for your course
  • Traditional Summer start date is June 3 or select any date you would like. SCVS enrollment never closes! 

Frequently Asked Questions about Summer School

Q: Are the courses condensed versions? 

A: No, the course content is the same as the school year. Students complete the same amount of work in a shorter time to accelerate or recover credits. 
Q: Are middle school students able to take high school courses? 
A: Yes, with the school counselor's permission. It's important to note that high school credit courses will appear on transcripts and be factored into your high school GPA. It's also important to note that some courses have prerequisites or will change your schedule for the following school year.  
Q: How many assignments are we talking about? 
A: In general, HS math courses are about 70-100 assignments for two segments. English are 30-60 assignments for two segments. Assignments range from quizzes, teacher phone calls, papers and projects. The courses are designed to take about 16 weeks for each segment. In summer, taking more than one segment is very challenging. 
Q: What if my student signs up and we decide it's too much? 
A: There's a grace period of 14 days. At that time, if the student does not meet the requirements, they will be withdrawn without penalty. 
Q: We have a vacation planned. Can my student start and stop working? 
A: Yes, your student will need to plan ahead. If you will be gone for two weeks, your student will need to work ahead before your trip. 
Q: Is a computer provided? 
A: No, computers are not provided for summer courses. 
Q: Is there a live teacher available? 
A: Yes, all courses are taught by certified, live teachers, however, there are no live lessons. Teachers work Monday- Thursday and return calls and contacts on those days but the course lessons are asynchronous so students need to be prepared to work through content on their own online. 


Q: Which courses are offered during the summer?

A: High School Summer Courses OR Middle School Summer Courses

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