SCVS Part-Time/Hybrid Enrollment and ESE/504
Students with disabilities or impairments enrolled in SCVS Part-Time/Hybrid must work with their school of enrollment to request any necessary ESE services, related services, evaluations, annual reviews, re-evaluations, and initial eligibility determinations. SCVS Part-Time/Hybrid does NOT provide any of these services or evaluations.
SCVS Full-Time Enrollment and ESE/504
In accordance with Rule 6A-6.0334, F.A.C., if an exceptional education student who has an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) applies to enroll in a full-time virtual program, the virtual program will determine if the student meets the profile for success in this educational delivery context. At the time of applying for enrollment at SCVS Full Time, families will be asked to submit a copy of any existing IEP. If the student's IEP indicates that full-time virtual instruction is appropriate, and the student meets all other school enrollment criteria, then the student may be enrolled. All necessary ESE services and related services must be able to be delivered online in a virtual manner to students at SCVS Full Time. If comparable services are not available or not appropriate in a full-time online environment, or if SCVS Full Time has concerns that a full-time online setting may not be the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for the student, then other educational options will be discussed during the application process.
All students at SCVS have access to many accommodations that naturally occur in the virtual setting. SCVS may also be able to provide additional accommodations per a student’s IEP or 504 Plan if the accommodation(s) is/are applicable to the online educational environment. Please note that some accommodations may not be possible to implement in the online educational setting.
SCVS is a school of choice and should be considered only if the online educational delivery context is the student’s Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), and therefore the most appropriate choice based on the unique needs of the student. All students are required to follow the instructional policies enforced at FLVS and must agree to such upon registration. This includes requirements such as, but not limited to, the following: course completion, discussion-based assessments, communication, proctored exams, academic integrity policies and procedures, etc
ESE Contact Information:
Courtney Kavanaugh
Courtney Cantu